Training Programs Offered in Education


Bringing educators, service providers and administrators together to discuss these important topics really helps us emphasize the whole child approach. A child’s trajectory is greatly influenced by how involved and supportive their support system is for them. Each training program addresses a specific portion of the academic journey.

All training offerings have been carefully curated and crafted to meet the needs of the given audience. Please inquire about training programs you feel would benefit your team, and we will tailor the training to fit your specific needs.

 How can SEL benefit Early Childhood Education?

This training will review each of the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) competencies; self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-making.

 Positive Behavior Management in the Classroom

Start here to learn the basics of Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) and how it can transform your classroom community and make your job easier when it comes to decreasing unwanted behaviors.

 ZONES of Regulation

Applicable to all ages and learning styles, including deaf students.

The Zones of Regulation is a systematic, cognitive behavioral approach used to teach children to self-regulate. This social-emotional and behavioral curriculum, created by Leah Kuypers, is a great supplement to your classroom or counseling curricula.

 Multi-Tiered System of Supports

Applicable to all ages and learning styles, including deaf students.

MTSS, also known as a “multi-tier system of supports”, is a popular framework in educational environments that seek to support the “whole child”. MTSS is designed to help schools and programs identify struggling students early and provide intervention quickly.

 Sensory Needs in Early Childhood

This workshop will help you understand the buzzwords, how to support your child’s sensory needs and also things to look for that may help you understand your child better.

 Social Emotional Learning Competencies

You will leave this workshop aware of SEL competencies and what the appropriate phases of development are. As a group, we will discuss ways to support these stages of development both in the home and at school.

 Time-Out vs. Calm Spot

This workshop is tailored to educators and service providers.

In this workshop you will learn a multitude of tools and techniques to help effectively manage behavior in the classroom.

 Mindfulness in the Classroom

This training will introduce you to popular and current research around mindfulness in education.

 Client Experiences