Workshops Offered for Families


Bringing family members and caregivers together to discuss these important topics really helps Tiffany emphasize the whole child approach. A child’s trajectory is greatly influenced by how involved and knowledgeable  their support system is for them. Each workshop addresses a specific portion of the journey.

All workshop offerings have been previously curated to meet the needs of various parents and families. Please inquire about workshops you feel would  benefit your family dynamic and she will tailor the workshop to fit your specific needs.

 Lowering Anxiety in Your Home

This workshop is tailored to families with children from toddler to elementary age.

This workshop will help you identify symptoms of anxiety in your children, and will help you decrease this unwanted stress.

 Family Stress Management

This workshop is open to families with children of all ages.

This workshop will not only expand your toolbox, and help you identify stressors as caregivers, it will also help you to learn how to recognize symptoms of stress in children and adults.

 Positive Behavior Management at Home

This workshop is open to families with children ages 0-12.

This workshop is geared toward parents and families who might be struggling with behavior in the home.

 Social Emotional Stages of Development

This workshop is open to families with children ages 0-12.

This workshop will review each of the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) competencies; self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-making.

 Emotional Regulation: What Can I do?

This workshop is open to families with children ages 0-12.

In this workshop, learn how to support your child’s overall emotional well-being with a specific lens of sensory integration and emotional regulation.

 Gender Expression, Non-Binary Children and LGBTQIA+ Community

This workshop is open to families with children of all ages.

In this workshop, we will learn how you can both grow your knowledge, support your child and yourself!

 Sensory Integration and Your Child

This workshop is open to families with children ages 0-12.

This workshop will address what it means for a child to have sensory experiences, and what it looks like when your child is sensory seeking or on sensory overload?

 Autism Spectrum Disorder: Support and Interventions

This workshop is open to families with children of all ages.

This workshop is both an overview of autism in children and a place to learn suggestions and interventions both for the home and for school.

 Growth Mindset and Grit

This workshop is open to families with children ages 0-12.

In this workshop you will learn how to instill a growth mindset in your child. We will also discuss the importance of resilience and grit so that we, as adults, provide ample opportunities for honing these traits.

 Family Experiences